I figure the most important thing is, I feel.
A lot.
It’s often ineffable, static screaming, heart pounding, ideas raging, rivers upon rivers of tears that seem entirely disproportionate to the stimuli, relentless joy, and emotional hangovers that linger for days or decades.
There’s a love that takes your breath away, and anger hot as white. It’s a lot, and it used to scare me. It still does on a wearier day.
There is an animal inside me and I am at its behest.
It was all too much, but as I come to understand life a tiny, itty-bitty, fraction-of-a-millimetre better, the feelings become more delicious and less terrifying. The chaos still reigns and the heart still pounds, but it has a purpose. The tears are as abundant as ever, but they are deeper, and they know more than I ever could intellectualize.
I suppose what I most am is this:
I am chaos in search of truth.
Okay my animal, what adventures shall we go on today?
That’s me
Now, tell me what inspires you
“Belaxing” at the Nest with the infamous Lung S Liu.